Friday, July 24, 2009

Master Study Numero 4

I found this guy on deviant his name is Warren Louw and I really like how smooth his skin is.  Mine.... is not quite so smooth.  I think I might do a couple more studies of him on my own to try and make mine as pretty as his.


  1. Looks smooth at this resolution. Did you use any blur tools or just blurry brushes and gradients?

  2. just the band aid tool and the smudge tool. I also used a low opacity with a lot of the shades and built up to get a gradient effect.

  3. Looks smooth for me too~
    Also, a lot of digital artists color at seriously high resolution, so when they save it at a small one, it looks totally blended when it's not. It's a trick people use when they want to do smooth lineart too. Mistakes are minimized when you save an image smaller. (A trick I often forget)
